Tense Competition Even though Google

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Tense Competition Even though Google

Post by Wade »

One significant opportunity is in the smartphone industry, where Baidu has succeeded in creating new technology. For example, about 80% of Android-based phones in China currently use the Baidu search engine. Disadvantages of Baidu Search Engine Baidu Search Engine also has the same shortcomings as other search engines. Here are some disadvantages of Baidu: 1. left the Chinese market in 2010, Baidu still faces fierce competition from its main competitors, such as Alibaba and Tencent. These companies have large customer bases and are actively seeking opportunities in the paid search market.

In fact, Microsoft's presence also remains a factor in the Chinese market. Additionally, the emergence of social networking companies, such as Renren, adds complexity as potential competitors. Meanwhile Baidu experienced Brazil WhatsApp Number Data delays in adding social networking features to its platform. 2. Valuation of Challenging Stocks Baidu shares trade at a valuation level of 95 times earnings, creating a major challenge to maintain high growth rates. The possibility of a serious correction in the stock is a significant risk even if there are even minor problems. 3. High Advertising Costs Advertising costs on the Baidu platform cannot be considered cheap.


While this contributes to increased revenue, high prices can be a barrier to increasing the user base. Also Read: The Most Popular Types of Search Engines in the World Difference between Baidu and Google If you plan to use this search engine as one of your marketing channels, make sure you have a deep understanding of Baidu SEO. Here is a summary of the differences between Baidu and Google to keep in mind: 1.
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